Sozo actively works to be a vibrant, active, and relevant church within the wider community by:

⇒  Preparing people for the return of Jesus Christ by presenting the Gospel in a relevant and practical way.

⇒  Helping people to experience freedom from all forms of bondage

⇒  Enabling people to overcome their challenges and move from a place of disappointment to hope.

⇒  Encouraging people to experience the blessings of walking in a ‘right relationship’ with God, by obedience to His Word (The Bible).

⇒  Promoting Christian growth and maturity by preaching, living and teaching the Word of God thereby building Christian character to transform lives


Presenting the Gospel in a relevant and practical way for Christians and non Christians through:

⇒  A Counselling Ministry to the church and the wider community

⇒  Educational and social activities for our community

⇒  Outreach and social care initiatives

⇒  Training and networking activities for Christian workers, leaders and community members

⇒  Networking activities and Ministry – locally and internationally


Each One, Bring - Our our ongoing aim.

With the theme Each One, Bring One, the leadership of Sozo House of Praise is committed to encouraging its members to be witnesses to the love, grace, and saving power of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

We encourage every member of the church to personally add, a minimum of one person each year, to the membership of the church.



“For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him”
John 3:17